Friends of West End Copse

Friends of West End Copse

Friends of West End Copse

Friends of West End Copse are a local volunteer group who help to look after and maintain the Copse alongside West End Parish Council. The group hold regular action mornings where they do a number of different activities from litter picking, clearing paths to planting trees.


If you would like to get involved in helping at one of the action mornings or if you have any questions about the wonderful work the group do, please contact the Chair of Friends of West End Copse - Sally Hawthorne. Her email address is

Action Morning May 2024

Great work was achieved this morning (Saturday, 18th May) by our small group of volunteers which aims to help the Parish Council maintain the Copse for the enjoyment of local residents and visitors as well as for the wildlife that is attracted to it.


Four of the new replacement composite steps, which we received funding for recently from HEWEB and the Parish Council, were installed by some of our volunteers (only another 16 or so to go!!), and there was also cutting back of foliage overhanging the paths and litter picking done by others (very little of the latter was apparent we are glad to report).


Three new volunteers have also signed up recently who are happy to get involved with the group in the future and we look forward to working with them as well.


It was good to meet Jo Proctor from Community First too who came along to see what we were up to today. Jo asked us for our ideas for other projects that we might want to do in the Copse in the future for which some additional funding may be found.


Thanks go to John for supplying yet another of his legendary cakes which was very welcome and shared around with tea and coffee after a very rewarding and enjoyable morning.

Action Morning March 2024

Good job done this morning. All very jolly. Nice to welcome back a former member of the group (Lindsey Snow) too who saw the sign on one of the posts. Very boggy in places and some trees down some of which the parish council has attended to already.

So cutting back holly overhanging paths and litter picking mainly. We finished a bit earlier due to the conditions underfoot and the threat of rain. Great cake again John!!

Action Morning October 2023

After the recent heavy rain we focused our efforts today on clearing muddy stretches along the path from Ullswater Avenue downhill to the boardwalk and stream.  It was hard work for our volunteers who came armed with wellies and rakes.

Action Morning September 2023

Our main job today was to install several bird boxes plus litter picking; and controlling the brambles and nettles along the footpaths.

The pictures are of some of the volunteers with bird boxes and the other is of a Mum with her two boys Parker and Rémi playing on the table in the middle of the Copse.

Action Morning July 2023


Volunteers from the Friends of West End Copse group (FoWEC) came together on Saturday 8 July to repair and replace steps and to cut back encroaching undergrowth along some of the pathways. We had some showers that morning, but carried on regardless under the tree canopy (although slightly damp) and were rewarded afterwards by John who kindly brewed up tea and coffee and homemade cake which was very welcome by then. No need to litter pick this time as the copse looked litter-free.

If you would like to get involved in this worthwhile activity which is also very sociable then do contact the group on 07905 094420.

Action Morning February 2023


Another successful morning in West End Copse, where the team replaced four more steps and started to re-enforce part of a path which had eroded. Two members of the team also collected three large bags of litter!

Once again, a special mention to John in charge of the field kitchen. His homemade coffee cake finished the morning off nicely!

Action Morning November 2022


It's a bit late in the year, but we finally got to Plant a tree for the Jubilee in celebration of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

In fact, we planted 28 saplings in various locations around the copse!

Hopefully, they will survive and replenish areas of the copse that have been damaged by storms in recent years.

Action Morning September 2022


Thanks to everyone who came along on Saturday.

We had a very good Action Morning, clearing rubbish from the woods, removing non native Cherry Laurel plants and cutting back along some pathways. We've also replaced more steps near the boardwalk (this work is ongoing).

It was also good to welcome some new members.

Action Morning March 2022

A big thank you to everyone who attended the Action Morning on Saturday 26th March. It was great to welcome several new members.

A fantastic effort was made to complete the fence painting in Ullswater Avenue, plus two blockages were cleared in the stream and more rubbish was collected.
A special mention once again to our wonderful chef, John and his field kitchen!
A great effort by all.

See you all next time!

Action Morning August 2021

Our first, almost back to normality Action Morning was a busy one.

A very kind local resident donated a large quantity of gravel from her garden. So with willing bodies and a couple of wheelbarrows, the gravel was transported to the copse, where we were able to carry out some much needed path repairs.

We also did some cutting back and a litter pick.

A big thank you to everyone that helped.

A special mention to Dominic who had come from Rouen in France to help us.

Action Morning April 2021

We had a successful COVID-safe work morning.

We replaced four damaged steps on one of the paths, re-treated the directional sign near the boardwalk as well as cut back a large amount of Cherry Laurel and of course, the usual litter pick!

Most of all, after the year we've had, it was great to see everyone again.

New Sign

It's been two years in the planning and we've finally installed the first of two new information signs in West End Copse. It can be found at the Ullswater Avenue entrance.

The sign includes a map to help with the navigation of the area. The second sign will be installed in the coming weeks at the Duddon Road entrance.

Friends of West End Copse Update - November 2020

2020 has been a tough year for us all, with COVID restrictions stopping normal life in its tracks.

Friends of West End Copse has only managed two action mornings so far this year, one of those being socially distanced, but we've still managed to go out individually, to pick up litter and cut back the odd overhanging branch.

We continue to check the condition of the copse and very soon, we will be installing a new sign at the Ullswater Avenue entrance, which will include a map and information about the flora, and fauna.

I would personally like to thank everyone, that has been involved with the group over the years since we were formed and to let you know, that we will continue our work where possible, to maintain the upkeep of the copse, so that we can all enjoy the benefits it brings.


Best wishes to everybody and stay safe,

Terry Buck


Friends of West End Copse